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Frequently asked questions

We answer questions about Capstone, our business and more

What website platform do you use?

We use the Wordpress platform most often.  Wordpress usage totals 43.5%  of all websites in 2022.  It represents 62.5% of all websites using a CMS.  Source Hubspot. 

What eCommerce platform do you use?

We use Woocommerce, BigCommerce and have a working knowledge of Shopify.  Woocommerce and BigCommerce both work well with Wordpress.  Woo has a 20.4% penetration rate and is free but can be expanded with paid add-ons.

Do you maintain and update eCommerce sites?

Yes, CAPSTONE offers several support agreements with different service levels and monthly fee options. View our Support Agreements.

Do Amazon Stores require a platform like Wordpress?

Amazon stores are built on Amazon's proprietary shopping platform.  There is a monthly fee payable to Amazon, and Amazon takes a commission on each sale.  They do provide marketing, CC processing, and shipping options.

Can you help with eCommerce tasks like Credit Card processing and Shipping?

CAPSTONE generally recommends working with Stripe a reputable, well-established credit card processor. In addition, we have found Shipstation to be a solid, easy-to-use shipping solutions provider.

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Our Customers

The best testimonial for a job well done is feedback from satisfied clients. Here are some of the clients that we have helped over the years.

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